Southwest Missouri Area Health Education Center

MAHEC logo
  • Health Exploration

    Learning about nutrition at summer science and health camps

  • Community Events

    Two pictures- Applying disaster makeup at the Disaster simulation at Mercy Hospital and helping prepare meals at the Friends Against Hunger volunteer event

  • Hands-On Workshops

    Students learning how to draw blood at a Phlebotomy workshop

  • Hands-On Workshops

    Medical student demonstrating dental procedure on high school student for a dental workshop

  • College Visits

    Animal dissection at AT Still University in Kirksville, Missouri

Park Central Office Building

The Southwest Missouri Area Health Education Center (SWMO AHEC) is a regional office of the Missouri Area Health Education Centers (MAHEC) statewide system. The SWMO AHEC is hosted by Missouri State University, located in Springfield, Missouri, and provides services to a 21 county region.

Mission Statement

The mission of MAHEC is to create an educational environment in Missouri's rural and urban communities in order to improve the distribution of health care professionals to underserved populations and to improve the health of these communities.